Antique Vanity Cabinets Bring Classic Style to Your Home

A beautiful, handcrafted antique vanityAre you at all curious as to why people tend to love vanity cabinets so much? A long time ago, hardwood was the furniture material of choice. This was, of course, long before the proliferation of cheap plastic polymers. This was also long before the widespread adoption of the assembly line system. It was, simply put, a time when skilled artisans crafted their vanity cabinets entirely by hand, with skill and professionalism and artistry that modern machines can’t quite seem to replicate. And while many craftsmen imitated their works, they never made carbon copies. Because of this, all the vanity cabinets made during this time were unique, and had distinctive characters and personalities of their own. Because every vanity was different, the owners could take pride in knowing that their bath vanity was a one-of-a-kind work of art that would forever be a symbol of individuality and timeless beauty. 

We weren’t lucky enough to have one when I was a child, but I remember my grandparents having one. It stood about five feet tall, and it had a dark stained finish. The legs of the vanity were designed to look like large bear claws. It was a very unique vanity, and one that I remember vividly. That’s what an antique bath vanity is supposed to do. A vanity should not just grab your attention, but it should leave a mark on your mind as well. When I walk into a room that has an antique vanity in it, for a moment in my mind, I can travel back to a time when everything displayed a superb craftsmanship, a time where things didn’t have an artificial feel, and everything was real. When vanity cabinets were painstakingly carved and nailed together by craftsmen who had spent decades learning their craft.

A bathroom cabinet with a truly classic designDon’t misunderstand me. I know the invention of the assembly line allowed things to be mass produced, which gave millions of people access to things they couldn’t afford otherwise. But I do know for a fact that quality was sacrificed in the name of progress for quantity. Having vanity cabinets helps me feel a connection to my ancestors in a way that simple photographs can’t quantify. It takes me to a place where there are no automobiles, no deadlines, and a man or woman could slow down and enjoy life to the fullest measure.

If you think your bathroom needs something to give it some character, if you think your home furnishings say something about you, you should consider getting vanity cabinets. A house is just a thing made of wood, brick, and stone. A home is a living thing that you bring life to with yourself, your family, and your furnishings. Vanities infuse a bathroom with charisma and personality to spare, though of course they also provide a great aesthetic appeal. The type of personality depends on you and what your tastes are. Bathgems boasts a huge selection of vanity cabinets, so you should be able to find one that will change the personality of your bathroom to what you want it to be.

There is an incredible amount of unique vanity cabinets available on the internet, and a quick search will yield hundreds of totally unique bath vanities. Some of them have a rustic pioneer type feel to them, while others seem to be fit for a king and queen. It’s the most intriguing and engaging selection of vanity cabinets I have ever seen. Each piece is a display of professionalism and utility that is rarely seen in today’s post industrial revolution world. A beautiful blue vanity with elegant floral designThese are so convincing and beautiful that they are often used as props in period movies to help transport viewers to a more romantic age. I know some who are reading this might be thinking, “yes, vanity cabinets are nice to look at, but don’t you sacrifice function for form?” The answer is absolutely not. The vanity cabinets from Bathgems offer both form and function. In fact, water drains and flows from these vanities just as effectively as from other vanities, if not more so, and the overall design is obviously better quality. If you prefer your antique bathroom vanity to have a wood stain finish, or if you like the black hard wood with the fossil stone counter, or you like an elegant white finish with a marble counter top, chances are Bathgems has the right vanity cabinets for you. Every vanity has a unique personality. This personality will add to and embellish your bathroom’s existing personality, and can bring your entire home together into a cohesive whole.

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