Moving is a task and a half. There are no magic tricks to making it easy, but Carmel at Our Fifth House — yes, their fifth house — can at least help you manage some of that stress.
Much like it’s true with organizing your home, taking out the trash is essential. Make room immediately for whatever you don’t want or need. Throw it out, sell it on craigslist, donate it, just get it out. When you have less to work with, you’ll feel a huge weight off your back (and might even make a small profit if you’re downsizing).
The thing that is never stressed enough when you’re managing a stressful situation is taking care of yourself. Don’t stay up until you’ve got bags under your eyes and don’t subsist on fast-food takeout. Take your time, make neat checklists, and the process will be far more manageable than you would have ever thought.
You don’t need quite as many hashtags as she does to put everything in boxes and be on your merry way, but there’s some good solid advice here. So… #transformandrollout? (No? Should we go with something else?)
Read the full article here: Tips For Making a Move Less Stressful