Go Green With These Eco-Friendly Home Solutions


Going green is great for your bank account, great for your home, and great for the environment. The home of the future will have lots of green elements built into it, but there are ways that you can make your current home look and feel like the home of the future by adding green features.

Energy usage is one of the main culprits when it comes to making a house green and efficient. Energy gets wasted with electronics and appliances, poor insulation, and outdated design techniques. Some of the ways to battle this waste are to start from the top and add solar panels to your roof or even swap out your roof for a garden. A less-noticeable change you can make is by installing smart electronics that will automatically shut off lights and appliances when not in use so that energy isn’t being constantly wasted. You can even install an entire home management device that will computerize every aspect of your home and give you full reign over the energy consumption.

Water is another big factor when it comes to being green. Heating water takes a massive amount of energy. One option is to get a solar heating water unit, but a different option is to go with a tankless water-heating system. This type of system only heats the water you need, which makes your home far more sustainable. Heating water isn’t the only factor for having a green home. Saving water is also important. Use rain barrels to collect water that you an then use for your exterior watering. This is a self-sustaining system that is a benefit for the whole community. You can also save water by switching out your toilet. Low-flush toilets allow you to choose how much water you want to use when flushing, which can substantially cut down on water consumption.

There are all sorts of ways that you can make green changes to your home. If you want to find out all the other ways you can be saving money and saving the environment then check out the full article below!

Read the full article here: 10 Of The Hottest Green Technologies

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