Minimalism – Everything You Need To Know

Haven’t made up your mind yet on minimalism for the home? Some people view the style as sterile and barren with no character or personality. Others find it to be clean and simple and sleek. However, minimalism is more than a style – it’s a lifestyle. Minimalism is reflected in the design of a home, but it’s also about the mindset that less is more. With that in mind, let’s take a look at minimalism from a new perspective.

Minimalism began in the 20th Century as a way to break away from extravagance and excess in favor of simplicity and function. Taking items all the way back to their basic, core functionality resulted in the stripped-down minimalism that we see in homes today. This also meant a return to basic shapes, namely the rectangle. Most modern interiors are completely constructed from various simple rectangles with crisp lines and stark colors. This minimalist style also encouraged homeowners to start removing any items in their homes that felt bulky or broke up the clean look. This lack of clutter is an essential aspect of minimalist design. It also allows for a completely streamlined experience of the inhabited space. The streamlined look even creates more space in the home.

Minimalism is an extreme style and one that tends to require the entire house to conform to the look, but there are ways to embrace a minimalist style without radically altering your home. The best place to start is simply by decluttering your home. Removing the excess will help you begin to experience your home in a new way. The energy will start to feel better the more items you eliminate. Decluttering also includes your artwork and your furniture. If you can streamline the furniture in your home down to the bare essentials then the home will benefit. You’ll have more space and will tend to use the items you have more often. Simplifying your color scheme can also help create balance in your home and makes the home feel less busy.

Most homes would benefit from incorporating the minimalist ideology. Find the best way to embrace it in your home to create a more relaxing, clean environment!

Read the full article here: Minimalism in Interior Design: 25 Examples Proving Less Really Is More

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