Nail The Open Shelf Kitchen Look With These Essential Tips

Open shelves in the kitchen are a big trend right now, but there’s more to creating the open shelf look than simply removing the doors from your cabinets. If you want to master open shelves then you need to learn the most effective methods for arranging your items. For instance, organizing your shelf items by color will make a more powerful statement than having a cacophony of colors in one place. It can also be valuable to add a variety of heights to the objects on each shelf. An entire row of items that are exactly the same height can make the shelves look more like they belong in a restaurant than in your home. If you need a good way to add variety then a fun option is to incorporate small pieces of artwork or other decor to give the shelves a little more life. Try creating a vignette out of similar objects! One of the best things you can do for open shelves is to reduce the items on display down to the bare minimum. No one needs to see every pot and pan that you own, especially if they’ve taken a beating over the years. Be picky! Check out all the ideas for open shelf design in the article below!

Read the full article here: Zero Cost Ways to Make Your Open Kitchen Shelves Look Better

March 2025
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